3 Must-Try Brazilian Dishes

With so much more to offer than its famed churrasco tradition, the Brazilian food scene is having something of a moment – and we think it’s beyond time. While you really can’t go wrong by sidling up to one of the many open-air beachside stands in Rio de Janeiro or ordering the chef’s creation in any one of São Paolo’s hot new restaurants, there are some classics you just can’t leave Brazil without trying. Here are three – okay, maybe four – of our favorites.

“For me, it’s almost impossible to pick just one, but I would say feijoada, São Paulo’s most classic dish. Every Wednesday and Saturday you see it offered in most restaurants. And when you try it, you must have it the traditional way – over rice, with a side of collard greens, farofa, slices of orange, and of course, a caipirinha!”

-Martha Amador, Creative Director & São Paulo native

“Moqueca – it’s a classic Brazilian fish stew with tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs all cooked and served in a clay pot. It goes great with local wines. My other must-try is actually the coffee! Brazilians know their coffee – how they roast and grind it is a complete art form.”

-Chef Kathryn Kelly, Executive Chef & Director of Culinary Enrichment

“I love passion fruit, so one of Brazil’s most popular desserts, mousse de maracuja, is also one of my favorites. It is a very simple, yet creamy and decadent dessert. It’s the perfect way to close any Brazilian meal.”

-Bernhard Klotz, Vice President of Culinary Operations

Will we see you in Brazil this fall?